
Христос воскрес!  Christ is Risen Воістину воскрес!  He is truly Risen

Happy Easter    З Великоднем!

While we continue to celebrate Easter season in the Catholic church, and in most other Christian churches, Orthodox Christians begin their celebration of Easter this Sunday.

(Those interested in history might read about how Orthodox Christians still follow the old Julian calendar for their religious festivals as opposed to the Gregorian…

Consultation for the Synod

Synod Consultation – first steps

Pope Francis has set our Church on a ‘Synodal Pathway”.  A synod is a gathering, and pathway implies a journey. We are going to be journeying together for a significant time; it seems that this synodal way of doing things is going to become a permanent way of being in…

Lifting of Corona Virus Restrictions

Following the public health announcement that the two-metre physical distancing is no longer a requirement there are now no restrictions on the number of people who may attend Mass and other services in our churches.

Prevention of COVID 19;
While restrictions have been lifted the virus…

Christmas Masses

We plan to have two Masses in each of our churches on Christmas Eve; at 6.00 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. and have one Mass in each Church on Christmas Day and on Sunday 26 Dec.: 10.00 in Killeen and 11.30 in Louisburgh.

These will adhere strictly with current public health guidelines, especially with regard to…

Corona Virus : Protecting all in Society

Corona Virus : Protecting all in Society

“Why are the seats in our church still roped off but in some other churches they aren’t”?

Perhaps this is the wrong question asked of the wrong people; the question should be asked elsewhere ‘why are you not adhering to current guidelines about physical distancing.’

The matter was…

Corona Virus : Numbers allowed in Churches: Spin & Misleading Headlines

Despite the headlines concerning the lifting of restrictions on religious services and weddings the fact is that nothing has changed for the vast majority of churches throughout the country. Very large church buildings may be able to accommodate more people.

The government guideline for church services  from 22 October is;

“religious services and weddings can…

First Holy Communion 2021

All remaining Covid 19 restrictions are due to be lifted on 22 October, meaning that we will no longer be as limited regarding the numbers permitted in church. However, we will continue to exercise due care and prudence as we are all very aware that Covid 19 is still active and spreading in communities.



The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated in Kilgeever Parish as follows:

Saturday, 18 September, St. Patrick’s Church, Louisburgh at 11.30 a.m. and at 1.30 p.m.

Sunday, 19 September, Holy Family Church,Killeen at at 11.30 a.m. and  in St. Patrick’s Church, Louisburgh at 1.30 p.m.

First Holy Communion and Confirmation – message to parents and children

Friday, 06 August 2021

Dear parents / guardians,

I hope you are all well and enjoying the summer despite the downpours today.

The past week has brought us all further frustration, annoyance, and confusion upon confusion in regard to the public health guidelines and restrictions that apply to first Holy Communions and Confirmation.

Since the…

Kilgeever Parish Church Music Scholarship

Kilgeever Parish Church Music Scholarship

Kilgeever Parish will sponsor one individual, from September 2021 to June 2022 with the Louisburgh Music School for piano tuition along with an introduction to organ playing.

Open to applicants age 12 and upwards only (including adults); there is no…