Holy Thursday – Deepening our Participation in the Broadcast Celebration

Published on March 29, 2021

Mass of the Lord’s Supper

At the heart of Holy Thursday is Jesus’ command to serve others, modelled by Jesus in the washing of feet and the gift of himself in the Eucharist. ‘Do this in memory’ is a call to us as members of the Christian community to be a Eucharistic people. This means not only receiving the precious gift of Christ in the Eucharist but living Eucharist in our daily actions of care and service to one another.

Scripture tells us

‘Do you understand’ he said ‘what I have done to you? You call me Master and Lord, and rightly; so I am. If I, then, the Lord and Master, have washed your feet, you should wash each other’s feet. I have given you an example so that you may copy what I have done to you.’ (John 13:12-15)


A Suggestion – Before the broadcast begins:

  • Gather with other members of your household, if you can.
  • Place a jug of water, a bowl and towel on a (kitchen) table or in

    the sacred space, together with an unlit candle.

    During the broadcast look out for the following:

  • The Gloria, with its joyful tones, returns now that our Lenten fast has concluded. During the Gloria the church bells ring and then fall silent until the Easter Vigil. If you have a small bell, you might like to ring it during the refrain of the Gloria.
  • The Readings of today place before us the gift of the Eucharist and the self-giving of Christ for our redemption. As Christ has done for us, so we are called to do. How do we follow the example of Christ in our own lives? In these challenging days, where are we witnessing people living this example of loving service for the sake of others?
  • The washing of feet has been called a homily in action. While it cannot take place this year, you are invited at this point of the liturgy to pour water from the jug into the bowl in grateful remembrance of all those in our own community living this call of Christ to ‘Do this in memory of me’. Light your candle at this point to remember and pray for all those who are making Christ present in our world in these days through their loving service.
  • At Communion time, as we yearn for the day when we can gather together to celebrate the Eucharist and receive the Body of Christ, give thanks to God for the gift of the Eucharist and the life to which it calls you.