Getting ready for Advent

Published on November 26, 2023

Advent 2023:

The season of Advent begins next Sunday, 03 December.
It is the season when we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

We are all aware how the “Christmas / Holiday Season” has now been totally taken over by the commercial world.
Rather than complain about this, why not concentrate on what the Christian meaning of Christmas is all about and bring the focus of Advent and Christmas back where it rightly belongs, to the birth of Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, God with us.

Waiting has always been the theme of Advent.
Waiting for, and anticipating, and preparing for the birth of Jesus, has always been the purpose of Advent.
The Advent Wreath has become a powerful reminder and symbol of our need to prepare, and of the shortness of time to do so.

Perhaps this year consider having an Advent wreath in your own home as a reminder of what our Christian celebration of Christmas is all about.