There was a meeting of the parish Pastoral Council on Monday, 07 December, in Louisburgh church, observing public health guidelines.
The only topic on the agenda was the question of the organisation of Masses for Christmas in the parish.
After discussion about all possible options there was consensus that there is no fair, safe, or practical way of restricting each Christmas Mass to less that 50 people.
The four masses that are usually celebrated in the parish at Christmas usually accommodate a total of about 1,400 /1,500 people.
This year, because of the extraordinary circumstances of the corona virus pandemic, it was decided that Masses on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day will be streamed live via our church webcams on the parish website and will be celebrated without a congregation.
This was a difficult decision for the Pastoral Council and it is fully appreciated how disappointing it is for everyone, but what is of paramount importance is preserving the good health and life of all people in our community.
For that reason, this year, we will sacrifice our coming together to celebrate in Church in order to reduce as much as possible the risk of spreading a deadly virus.
For all who wish, it is suggested that people gather in their own household for the live-streamed Masses on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Possibly you could light your own Christmas Candle as the Christmas Candle on our Advent Wreath in church is lit, knowing that you are united at that moment with all others in our parish who are celebrating the birth of Jesus.
For those who wish to attend Mass at some time over the Advent and Christmas period, Mass will be celebrated on the weekdays before and after Christmas.
Both churches are open each day if people wish to make the traditional visit to the crib. Please observe the required physical distancing and the wearing of a mask when in church.
Masses on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day will be streamed live via our church webcams on the parish website and will be celebrated without a congregation.

Celebrating Christmas in a Pandemic
Published on December 12, 2020